Learn about our mission to support the local communities with teacher mentoring and professional development
The concept of an education specific trek to the Kokoda Track arose from No Roads Expedition guide Daniel Hogarth, who witnessed first hand the urgent need for support in the schools along the central portion of the Kokoda Track. Since 2013, the idea to bring Australian teachers to the remote region to assist with mentoring and support for the teachers working in these schools has evolved. This is a region that’s a far cry from what we know, with no electricity, limited resources, minimal opportunities and educational statistics ranked amongst the worst in the world
● Less than 2% of students that begin Grade 1 go on to complete Year 12 ● 29% of children in PNG are not enrolled in primary school ● Only 23% of the rural population enrol in secondary education ● 38% of PNGs population over the age of 8 cannot read or write
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a population of approximately 7.7 million who speak over 800 known languages, making it the most linguistically diverse place on earth. English, Tok Pisin (Pidgin), and Hiri Motu (the language of the Papuan region) are the official languages. English is the official language in education, business and government circles, yet only a small amount of the population (2%) use English to communicate.
A developing country, PNG needs support and an improved standard of education is a vital key to helping them. The PNG Government and the Department of Education are making inroad into improving the standard of education for all Papuan New Guineans, however, this is a lengthy process. The people living in the remote villages along the Kokoda track need immediate support, specifically schools, teachers and children.
During WW2, Papua New Guineans were there in Australians time of need - now is their time of need, and we are working with local communities and school teachers to improve their quality of life with sustainable solutions. We believe that by assisting with educational solutions, the standard of teaching can be enhanced and further sustained, benefiting the people and communities of the Kokoda Track by developing the pathways for an improved future for those really in need of it. To learn more about our program and the assistance we are providing along the Kokoda Track, enter our specific links below