Not often do you start from the end, however this time……………
The No Roads – Health Sept Coastal XPD Team had the privilege of bringing to Australia Edward, Daniel and Trophimus to undertake life changing orthopaedic surgery. As fate would have it, Trophimus’ great great grandfather was Raphael Oimbari – the fuzzy wuzzy angel in the iconic Kokoda picture leading a soldier back along the track and his family told the story of how 75 years on…Australians were repaying his family – WOW!!
This expedition had it all – a great meeting with DEFAT and Governor Garry Juffa from Oro Province to firm up the partnership/relationship between us and set in motion a plan to rebuild the Tufi Health Clinic. We were also informed by senior DEFAT officials that No Roads Expeditions Foundation (Health & Education) are considered amongst the top 3 NGOs and Foundations delivering services along the Kokoda Track – WHOO HOOO!!.
Da-Da-Dadahhhhhh!! In fly an amazing group of clinical gurus. Dr Barry, RN/MWs Fi, Anne, Lynne, Elizabeth and Viv joined Jo to form a talented team that worked their arses off treating a myriad of conditions. Malaria was prevalent and the team picked up a number of cases that would have been untreated. Several cases of TB, some nasty wounds and abscesses, a man attacked by a machete wielding villager, a severe leg wound, and several expecting mothers made up the 300 odd patients seen by the team.
Other highlights – the welcome we continue to receive by the communities we touch; the spectacular coastline that takes your breath away; paddling in outrigger canoes because there are NO ROADS; eating fresh lobster and fish caught by local children right before your eyes; Lynne, Fiona & Lizzie heading off fishing with the locals and landing a HUGE Spanish mackerel and working with the local community health care workers who now regard us as brothers and sisters.
“There can be no greater gift, than that of giving ones time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return” – Nelson Mandela
Stewart Kreltszheim
Project Manager “No Roads - Health”
Jo Bergman
Clinical Coordinator / Team Leader “No Roads - Health”
No Roads Expeditions
No Roads Health - Project Portal
[email protected]
The No Roads – Health Sept Coastal XPD Team had the privilege of bringing to Australia Edward, Daniel and Trophimus to undertake life changing orthopaedic surgery. As fate would have it, Trophimus’ great great grandfather was Raphael Oimbari – the fuzzy wuzzy angel in the iconic Kokoda picture leading a soldier back along the track and his family told the story of how 75 years on…Australians were repaying his family – WOW!!
This expedition had it all – a great meeting with DEFAT and Governor Garry Juffa from Oro Province to firm up the partnership/relationship between us and set in motion a plan to rebuild the Tufi Health Clinic. We were also informed by senior DEFAT officials that No Roads Expeditions Foundation (Health & Education) are considered amongst the top 3 NGOs and Foundations delivering services along the Kokoda Track – WHOO HOOO!!.
Da-Da-Dadahhhhhh!! In fly an amazing group of clinical gurus. Dr Barry, RN/MWs Fi, Anne, Lynne, Elizabeth and Viv joined Jo to form a talented team that worked their arses off treating a myriad of conditions. Malaria was prevalent and the team picked up a number of cases that would have been untreated. Several cases of TB, some nasty wounds and abscesses, a man attacked by a machete wielding villager, a severe leg wound, and several expecting mothers made up the 300 odd patients seen by the team.
Other highlights – the welcome we continue to receive by the communities we touch; the spectacular coastline that takes your breath away; paddling in outrigger canoes because there are NO ROADS; eating fresh lobster and fish caught by local children right before your eyes; Lynne, Fiona & Lizzie heading off fishing with the locals and landing a HUGE Spanish mackerel and working with the local community health care workers who now regard us as brothers and sisters.
“There can be no greater gift, than that of giving ones time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return” – Nelson Mandela
Stewart Kreltszheim
Project Manager “No Roads - Health”
Jo Bergman
Clinical Coordinator / Team Leader “No Roads - Health”
No Roads Expeditions
No Roads Health - Project Portal
[email protected]